A Guide to Non-Binary Identities



Non-binary: Refers to a gender outside the gender binary of male and female. This can mean having no gender, multiple genders, or having a gender that lies anywhere along, between, and beyond the gender spectrum. It is used as both a broad umbrella term for many more genders and a gender identity in and of itself. 

[image of the non-binary pride flag, which has 4 equal stripes that are yellow, white, purple, and black]

Agender: refers to someone who has no gender. Agender people often describe themselves as genderless or lacking gender.

[image of the agender pride flag, which has 7 equal stripes: black, grey, white, light green, white, grey, and black]

Neutrois: Refers to someone whose gender is neutral. This is different to agender because, unlike agender, they have a gender identity. 

[image of the neutrois pride flag, which has 3 stripes: white, green, and black]

Demigirl: refers to someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a woman, a girl, or a feminine person.

[image of the demigirl flag: dark grey, light grey, light pink, white, light pink, light grey, dark grey]

Demiboy:  refers to someone who partially, but not wholly, identifies as a man, a boy, or a masculine person.

[image of the demigirl flag: dark grey, light grey, light blue, white, light blue, light grey, dark grey]

Bigender: Refers to someone who has two genders. This doesn't only mean “male” and “female” but can also include other gender identities like genderfluid and demigirl for example. This is different to being bisexual which is a type of sexual orientation that means someone is attracted to two or more genders.

[image of bigender flag: dark pink, light pink, light purple, white, light purple, light blue, dark blue]

Pangender: Refers to someone whose gender identity is not limited to one gender and may feel like all genders at once.

[image of pangender flag: light yellow, salmon, light pink, white, light pink, salmon, light yellow]

Genderflux: Refers to someone whose gender identity fluctuates in intensity. For example, one moment they may feel more strongly female, another they may feel very strongly demigirl.

[image of genderflux flag: dark pink, light pink, grey, light blue, dark blue, yellow]

Genderfluid: Refers to someone whose gender identity is not fixed and changes along and beyond the gender spectrum. Their gender may change every few months, weeks, days, hours, or even minutes. It is important to note that genderfluid is different to genderflux because the intensity in which one experiences gender does not change.

[image of genderfluid flag: light pink, white, purple, black, blue]

Genderqueer: Refers to someone whose gender identity is not categorized as solely male or female. It is often used as a broad, umbrella term but is also a gender identity in and of itself.

[image of genderqueer flag: light purple, white, green]

Two Spirit: Refers to someone of Native American descent whose body houses both a feminine and masculine spirit. This is a culturally significant identity that can only be used by Native American people.

[image of two spirit flag: a rainbow flag with two feathers in the middle]


  1. Is non-binary a real gender? It's as “real” as male and female are,  by which I mean, YES. Non-binary people have existed for thousands of years all throughout history and we aren't going anywhere.
  2. Are non-binary people trans? It depends on the individual person and what they identify with. Some non-binary people are trans. Some aren't.
  3. What does enby mean? Enby comes from the abbreviation of non-binary → NB → enby. Some people use “enby” as the non-binary equivalent to “boy” or “girl”. However, not all non-binary people like this term. Make sure to ask and respect people's identity.
  4. Is non-binary the same as intersex? No. Intersex is a “biological sex” assigned to people at birth whose bodies do not fit the binary definitions of female and male. Non-binary is a gender identity that is not dependent on an individual's assigned gender at birth.

To all non-binary and genderqueer folk:

Don't ever feel like your identity is “too complicated”. You are a person. People are complicated beings. You are not an inconvenience. You are not a burden. You are not hurting anyone by being yourself. You deserve to be recognised as the gender you are. You deserve to be loved and respected.

To everyone:

If someone tells you they are non-binary/a gender outside the binary, respect their pronouns and identity. Every individual person - cis, trans, non-binary - has a unique relationship with their gender identity and they know themselves best. Respect and honour that by using the correct pronouns and gendered/gender neutral terms.