Transcription Tips

Transcribing and formatting text content

  • Transcribe all text in the image word-for-word.

    • If text is unclear, you could indicate that by writing something like "[unclear text]".

    • If there are bad words that are bleeped out in the original image, bleep them in your transcript. If they’re written out in the original image, write them out in the transcript.

  • Format the text appropriately.

    • Determine if there are any headers and format them at the correct heading level.

    • Use our text editor's list feature to properly format lists of information.

    • Include hyperlinks where applicable so readers can easily navigate to the referenced website without having to type out the whole URL themselves.

    • When writing hashtags, capitalize the first letter of every word so that it's easy for readers and assistive technology to distinguish one word from another.

      • Example: #ThisIsAWellFormattedHashtag

Describing imagery

  • Keep images descriptions concise and relevant to their current context.

  • Add in descriptions of imagery at logical points within the text.

    • Example: “People love cake! [illustration of people jumping for joy with a cake levitating above their heads]”

    • Example: Example: “How to spell: Flavour [error icon] Flavor [checkmark icon]”

  • Capture the image’s tone as well as you possibly can. Consider how you would describe it on a radio show - what attributes of the image would be valuable to include, and what would be okay to leave out without taking away from the work?


  • Remember that people worked hard to make these resources! Please provide the creator’s name and a link to their website or social media presence.

  • Make sure that the resource is free and available for anyone to see.